Our mission is to provide a Christ-centered educational environment where children are equipped for lives of Christian leadership and service.
To instill in each child a belief in God as the Creator, and the Bible as His inspired and infallible word.
To lead each child to recognition of Jesus Christ as the son of God and the only way to salvation.
To equip each child with the academic knowledge and skills necessary to be successful in a technological world.
To equip each child with a moral foundation that will prepare them to stand against the evil influences of this world and to live a lifestyle that exemplifies Christian principles.
To equip each child with the social skills that will enable them to successfully interact with others and demonstrate an understanding of the value of others and self.
To provide opportunities for each child to reach their maximum potential with respect to academic achievement, spiritual growth, and physical development.
To encourage each child to develop self-discipline, responsibility, self-sufficiency, and good citizenship.
To encourage each child to develop pride in our American heritage and encourage a sense of patriotism through loyalty and service to one’s country, community, congregation, school, and family.
To instill in each child respect for God, parents, authority, nature, property, others, and self.
To work in partnership with the home and church as we educate and nurture the development of each child.
At WCS, we emphasize the spiritual development of our students and put God at the center of everything that we do. With that as our goal, we have an obligation to strive for excellence in academics, citizenship, athletics, community service, and every other aspect of the educational process.

All over our nation, the idea of discipleship is unfortunately treated as an elective to the academic programs offered by Christian schools. Instead of Christ at the core of the school’s identity, it becomes academics + Jesus and graduated students from these schools might have a Christian worldview but look and act the same as those who graduated from a secular school.
At Weatherford Christian School, our goal is for our students to look, act and be different. In fact, as students and families leave our campus each day they receive that important reminder.
We believe that if Jesus Christ truly is our Lord, there should be no part of our lives that stands apart from Him. Our Lord deserves our very best, which is not to be “tacked on” to what we already offer, but to be at the center of all that we do. Spiritual formation and engaging in spiritual practices are important in any Christian school but for us, chiefly, it is about heart transformation through the renewing of minds of our students. It is about, by God’s grace and through the power of the Holy Spirit, forming radical followers of Christ and not simply fans of Jesus.
Discipleship is at the very heart of who we are. It is a privilege, responsibility, and desire taken up by our teachers in the classroom, students, coaches during games and practices, at our special events, and by our administrators. While we partner with families with this most important discipleship task, we believe that it happens in every area of our school organically and also through the specific programs we have created.
How Do We Disciple Our Students?
In order to provide transformational discipleship, we fully rely on the Holy Spirit and use God’s inerrant Word as our guide for teaching, mentoring, and training. Our discipleship model puts a definition of how WCS actively participates each school year.
WCS was founded in 2001 on the premise that the Bible is essential for all of life, including academics. As a result, from PreK through 12th grade levels, we are very intentional about teaching our students the Bible. It is not out of the ordinary that some of our students are introduced to the Gospel for the first time in the classroom and they later place their faith and trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. As students promote, they are introduced to the foundational tenets of the Christian faith, core doctrines, and principles of Christian living. Research shows that more than 70% of students raised in Christian homes leave the faith after they graduate high school thus at the secondary level we incorporate Christian apologetics and evangelism to further equip our students as they prepare to graduate. Once they leave our school for college, their faith will undoubtedly be challenged and they will have opportunities to share their faith with others who do not know Christ. These subjects are specifically taught in Bible classes, our small groups and chapels, but we also integrate Bible teaching in all classroom environments.
Although it is a requirement at WCS, we are blessed that all of our teachers are Christ followers who truly value the opportunity to educate in their subject area of expertise and help students grow in their faith in Christ. Teachers, coaches and staff are intentional about building relationships with students in and out of the classroom and during our small group sessions. Doing so, prospers organic opportunities to teach character and leadership, model a Christian lifestyle and train them to serve God and others. “Tribes” and our small groups are our two avenues we use to additionally mentor our students at our Secondary. Each week, sometimes twice, we meet together not simply for another Bible lesson but to interact more with our students on a personal level. It’s during these strategic times that relationships with their peers and mentor teachers can be fostered. These small groups are also another way we can help our students become more unified as the school year progresses.
Our small groups, classrooms, athletics, and extracurriculars provide opportunities for our students to develop leadership skills, identify their gifts, articulate the gospel, and practice serving others. Missions is a large part of our ministry at WCS. These opportunities are a direct result of our unwavering commitment to mentor our students both in and out of the classroom.
Dr. Jeff Foland, Chairman
Mr. Layne Fields
Mr. Bob Finney
Mrs. Judy Flanagin
Mr. Troy Garvin
Mr. Alan Crawford
Mrs. Kali Jones